My new Column, Flashback Friday, went live today in DVD Snapshot. Here's a little taste:

Welcome to Flashback Friday, a new column that I hope will present a great opportunity for discussion and some fun reflection. I will be your guide as we look back at movies of the past 25 years. Every two weeks I'll go back and rewatch a movie from the last 25 years and then explore it by looking back at how I felt the first time I saw the movie and how much my feelings for the movie has changed. Hopefully you will join in the discussion by sharing your thoughts in the comments section. Also, I'll be listing the next Flashback Friday movie at the end of the column giving you time to watch it and get ready for the discussion.This week I'll be taking a look at a modern classic, The Matrix. The Matrix changed film in a lot of ways, and I was curious to see how it's held up. How have the past ten years affected the film? Has watching the misguided (and some might say terrible) sequels changed how you and I feel about the film?Click here to read the rest.
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