As I previously mentioned, thanks to the successful Save Jericho campaign fans of Veronica Mars have risen up to proclaim their love of a certain Blonde Private Detective. The campaign to to Save Veronica Mars is simple send as many Mars Bars and Marshmallows to the CW offices as we can to convince them to save the show. Not only that but the fans are planning on downloading the Season 3 Finale "The Bitch is Back" from iTunes on June 12. This will show the CW that there is still a fan base out there for the show.
If you love this show the least you can do is d/l the episode for only $1.99 it just may help bring it back!
Also if you want to help out go to the Save Veronica Mars site and find out how you can help either by donating money or ordering candy/marshmallows to send to the CW.
Here's an update from there site on what is being shipped next week to the CW offices, it's pretty impressive!
"Update, June 9, 7:15pm: As expected, the Paypal is seeing a HUGE surge– we’re now up to $2,522.16!!! That’s great, PLEASE KEEP CONTRIBUTING!!! We are now sending 1,920 MARS bars (the entire available U.S. inventory). 4,848 Mars Snickers Almond Bars. 350 pounds of marshmallows, with more on the way. That’s over 1200 pounds of shipment right there! Who would love to see us a send an actual TON here? I know I would! The more contributions, the closer we get!"
Seriously who wouldn't want to bring this Face back to TV:
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