I've got a big project coming in the new year that I can't speak about yet. But I'm calling on you for help. My project will likely cost some money and so I'm asking you dear readers to click on the link to the right and donate a bit of your hard earned cash to help me get this project underway.
Any help will be appreciated from 5 cents to $50, whatever you might want to give will go to helping me do a few things. First off it will help to buy some server space so that we can finally move over to www.thecinemaniac.com instead of using this blogspot page. Second it will help to pay someone to help spruce this place up a bit. And third any donations will go to help me complete my super secret project coming in January of 2009. It's a project that will be ongoing for some time so any time you can donate will help out.
Stageworthy: Best of Stage 2024
2 months ago
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