So today I'm beginning a new feature Quote of the day. Each day (hopefully) I'll post a quote and you guess what movie it's from (Try not to cheat with google) and you can guess which movie its from.
I'll give the answer in the next day's Quote. Somedays there may be prizes (depending on what I have and when I have it) and somedays it may just be for fun. For the most part when there are prizes the first correct answer will get the prize, but somedays I might mix it up throw all correct entries in a hat and pick one at random.
So here's today's Quote:
"No, I'm all man. I even fought in WWII. Of course, I was wearing women's undergarments under my uniform."
Write your guesses in the comment section.
Stageworthy: Best of Stage 2024
2 months ago
Ed Wood.
"I need transvestites!"
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