Skill? Know-how? Who needs that when you’ve got a stick of gum, a piece of wire and one sweet mullet!? The NEW RESTRICTED trailer and one-sheet for MACGRUBER have made it online courtesy of MSN and you can check them out below. Also be sure to check out the details on the Brand new MacGruber iPhone App below. In theaters May 21, 2010.
Only one American hero has 16 purple hearts, 3 Congressional Medals of honor and 7 presidential medals of bravery… and can still be man enough to sport a mullet. Now, you can get the look, the knowledge, and the training you need to join his team - all with the MacGruber App!
Features include:
*The Mullet Generator
*Bomb Defuser Challenge
*Hilarious photo tool
*Cool soundboard with actual lines from the film
*Exclusive ringtones, photos, wallpapers and more
Check it out here.
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